จรวด Cosmos 3M มาตราส่วน 1:96
For many years the smallest vehicle in the operational inventory, Cosmos originated as the R14 (8K65)/SS-5 Skean medium range missle. It was then developed into a space launcher initially as the Cosmos 3I and then the current Cosmos 3M (11K65M). It remains as the only vehicle to be fired from all three Soviet sites. Its debut space launch in Aug-1964 orbited the first Soviet triple satellite payload and it is now employed principally for placing small military craft into medium Earth orbits. About half of all launches have performed suborbital hypersonic and orbital tests; suborbital flights continue from Kapustin Yar. ข้อมูลจาก http://www.braeunig.us/space/specs/cosmos.htm
hah i love it